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Puffer Go Green Puffer Go Green

Key Focus Areas

Energy & Carbon
Energy & Carbon
We track our facilities' energy use in carbon footprints across categories, including electricity, natural gas, and propane. We are committed to seeking out new ways to improve our energy efficiency and expand our energy conservation efforts.
We track waste data across our facilities, including wood, cardboard, metal, and paper, looking for ways to reduce our environmental impact. In particular, we are focused on landfill diversion: finding ways to keep trash out of the waste stream through reuse and recycling. In some cases, we seek to eliminate waste by removing the need to use a material in the first place through programs.
Facility Equipment Upgrades
Facility and Equipment Upgrades
We look for opportunities to upgrade facility equipment such as LED lighting, more efficient HVAC systems, and boilers that use less water and natural gas.
We share Puffer-Sweiven's environmental performance, including internal updates to employees and external reports on progress via our website. Periodically, we provide insight into how we are tackling a particular environmental issue, and each update includes ways that employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders can participate in reducing the company's environmental impact.

Work to Reduce Environmental Impact

Two of Puffer-Sweiven's largest warehouses implemented a program to recycle all wooden pallets and cardboard boxes. In a single year, 182 tons of wood and cardboard are recycled, which would otherwise have gone into a municipal landfill.

Puffer-Sweiven has replaced fluorescent bulbs with LED lighting to reduce energy usage.

Puffer-Sweiven's annual e-waste collection drive allows employees to drop off their used electronic devices so they can be disposed of properly and securely. Over 200 items, such as computers, monitors, and printers, have been collected and disposed of.

PS Go Green Team

In 2018, we launched our PS Go Green Team, a committee of like-minded employees with an interest in sustainability and the environment. Our goal is to develop, promote, and support sustainable environmental solutions at our locations by:

• Making recommendations regarding policies to promote and communicate environmental sustainability
• Identifying policies and practices that promote the most efficient and responsible use of company resources
• Developing annual goals and initiatives
• Assisting in data collection for the annual sustainability assessment
• Participating in annual events such as electronic waste recycling


Based on criteria such as environment, carbon management, human rights, and fair business practices, Puffer-Sweiven has achieved a silver medal rating from EcoVadis, the world's largest and most trusted provider of business sustainable ratings. This ranking puts Puffer-Sweiven in the top 25% of companies assessed by EcoVadis.